In addition to the recognizable Sankofa bird designating the South Side business district, Tomorrow’s Neighborhoods Today South Side group is working to rebrand the entire neighborhood.
By being chosen as the next client of Pixels & Print, a Syracuse University-run intensive graphic design workshop running Feb. 9 through 11, TNT will receive a new logo, website template, motion graphics, promotional print products, newsletter design, social media resources and possibly some virtual reality experiences at no cost. The work will be done by Multimedia Photography, and Design students under the guidance of professors and industry professionals.
Two industry professionals and SU alum serving as coaches also worked with The Stand newspaper in the past. Kuan Luo served as the newspaper’s graphic designer for one year, and Brian Dawson assisted in design work on this homepage.
During the Monday, Feb. 6, meeting held at the South Side Innovation Center, TNT delegate Camille Coakley shared updates about the project after assistant professor Renée Stevens, who launched the Pixels & Print workshop as a passion project three years ago and teaches graphic design at the Newhouse School, canceled.
Coakley shared that Pixels & Print takes applications each year from local organizations and businesses, students then decide which client to take on. “Ours was unanimously selected,” she said, adding “this is a great opportunity for us and many are interested; even Police Chief Frank Fowler will be attending.”
Students involved in this weekend’s workshop reviewed community proposals, voted and chose who they felt was the most deserving organization. The workshop challenge now is not only to create a design with social impact but to complete all work by deadline.

Dana Mckinney, TNT member, next shared some suggested tag lines for attendees to vote on — “Spirit of Syracuse,” “Soul of Syracuse” and “Salt City Soul.” By a show of hands, “Soul of Syracuse,” was selected and will be used on new signs to welcome people into the neighborhood and on the group’s future website and social media feeds. Mckinney also shared the suggested color scheme the students will work with: gold and burnt orange. With no visuals prepared, a cell phone was passed around of a painting of a sunset to show the shade of orange TNT members had in mind.

Attendee Robert Steingraber raised concern about using orange. “I don’t want people to only associate Syracuse with Syracuse University,” he said. “Orange does that.” But several reassured it would not be a bright orange like the university’s signature color.
The final design reveal will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, with a presentation at the Newhouse School, in Newhouse 3 on the second floor in room 250. The community is welcome to attend.
In other news:
Four special project grant proposals were approved. Each TNT receives $5,000 from the city to use for community projects. In total the four projects listed below ran over the budget by $150, but TNT facilitator Angela Wright said she would cover the overage.
- Jamie Howley requested $500 for T-shirts. These would have the new South Side logo that is to be designed and can be worn to show unity and uniformity. “For the Neighborhood watch group to wear, or to wear when we do neighborhood clean ups,” she said. “We could also sell them and use the money to invest in buying more T-shirts in the future.
Angel Thompson speaks out for Geneva Hayden’s project. As a child, she grew up with Hayden’s summer and after school programs and is now an advocate for its continued success. | Dominique Hildebrand, Staff photo Geneva Hayden requested $1,500 for her annual Light a Candle For Literacy program to cover curriculum supplies, snacks and more. She also said in addition to this program, she is looking for a sponsor to help cover travel cost to take youth on a trip. She said this component is to “open their eyes” to the possibilities available to them.
- Camille Coakley requested $2,500 to cover the cost of a South Side welcome sign. The amount was based on the cost to build, paint and install other city welcome signs and is only an estimation. Once the new design and tag line are submitted a more accurate cost will be confirmed.
- Patrona Jones-Rowser requested $650 for perennial flowering plants to add to the perimeter of the Rhama Community Garden along South Salina Street to make the neighborhood and area surrounding the garden, located at the intersection of West Newell Street and South Salina Street, more attractive.
Future TNT Meetings:
Saturday, Feb. 11
7 to 8 p.m. – Pixels & Print Final Community Presentation
This is open to anyone who would like to attend, and is where the students will present their designs for the South Side.
Location: S.I. Newhouse School Of Public Communications, 215 University Place, Newhouse 3, room 141 on the first floor
Saturday, Feb. 18
Noon – Community Task Force Meeting
All Task Force members are invited to attend the presentation of findings for the TNT South Side Five-Year Plan. APD Solutions will reveal information on the survey findings including the neighborhood data profile, land-use and areas of concern.
Location: Beauchamp Library, 2111 S. Salina St. on the second floor
Saturday, Feb. 18
2 p.m. – South Side Art Mural Project Community Input Meeting
South Side TNT recently received a grant from the University Neighborhood Service Agreement Advisory Committee (UNSAAC) for an art mural project on the South Side. This meeting will discuss ideas for the murals and gather community feedback, input and enlist volunteers.
Location: Beauchamp Library, 2111 S. Salina St. on the second floor
Thursday, Feb. 23
5:30 p.m. – South Side Community ‘Your Voice, Your Vote’ Meeting
A call to all residents to organize their voices and votes on issues to better all in the community. This task force will focus on registering residents to vote and ways to inform residents about upcoming elections.
Location: SMNC Office, 1721 S. Salina St., park in back and enter in back door
Monday, Feb. 27
6 p.m. – Neighborhood Management & Housing Task Force Meeting
Meetings for this task force are held the last Monday of every month. Topics of discussion include: historical markers for properties on the South Side, neighborhood resource pamphlets and Greater Syracuse Land Bank demolitions.
Location: South Side Innovation Center, 2610 S. Salina St.
Monday, March 6,
6 p.m. – TNT South Side General Meeting
Monthly meetings are held the first Monday of every month from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: South Side Innovation Center, 2610 S. Salina St.
— By Ashley Kang, The Stand director